Friday 21 December 2018

Week 1 Day 1 Activity 3: Ice, Ice Baby (Summer Learning Journey)

1 comment:

  1. Talofa Herbert or Herbie (let me know which you prefer),

    Cia here from the Summer Learning Journey Ako Hiko team.

    Wow! I can see you understand a lot about what a digital footprint represents and means. You made a very good points about sharing and setting passwords, privacy settings, security and what to do when you are sent spam or ads. Ka pai!

    Perhaps next time you could include a little bit about leaving thoughtful, positive and helpful comments and some images to complement the information you have included in your blog post.

    This reminds me of when I am with friends or family, we like to take lots of goofy photos of ourselves pulling funny faces but we’re pretty careful about setting them to private if we upload them. I believe that it is very important that we use our privacy settings when sharing private information and photos with family and friends online.

    I look forward to reading more of your posts this summer.

    Toe feiloa’i fo’i (see you again),



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